John Kurfees
died about 1988
John Kurfees was one of the Monday Night Gang that played checkers at Harry Bennett's home. He was the brother of Mayor Marshall Kurfees of Winston-Salem in the 1950's. He move to Texas around 1983 so he could be closer to his son.
This is a picture of Mayor
Kurfees in 1953.
I got this information from a lifetime checker player Joe McClellan. He's the youngest of the Monday evening checker gang gathering that would converge at 2419 Greenwich Road, Harry Bennett's home in Winston to play checkers. Joe reminiscences, "Harry was the perfect host, they met at 7 pm with the fireplace roaring, in winter, checker boards all set up, drinks in the refrigerator." "All these players: Lawrence Newsom, Tony Muncus, Marshall Church, Harry Bennett, John Kurfees, Jasper Memory, Harry Anderson, David Marshall, and myself, made a pleasant night of competitive play and wonderful friendship." "I have many fond memories of the above players." Joe would often bring Harry Anderson and or Jasper Memory to the checker sessions.